The 212th Glasgow is an active Boys' Brigade Company based in Bishopbriggs. It is part of Glasgow Battalion, the first and oldest Battalion of The Boys' Brigade.
Attached to Cadder Parish Church, the 212th Glasgow has been in existence in Bishopbriggs since 1970 operating and providing opportunities for boys aged 5-18 years, across four sections - Anchor (P1-P3); Juniors (P4-P6); Company (P7-S2) and Seniors (S3-S6) - to learn and develop. Each section follows the Brigade's relevant activity programme, culminating in the opportunity for boys to work towards the King's Badge - the highest award in The Boys' Brigade. Our Captain, Mrs Linda Ritchie is assisted by other officers & helpers numbering approximately 12.
A bit about the 212th
The 212th operates as a charitable unicorporated association (independent of The Boys' Brigade, which is also a registered charity) under Scottish Charity Number SC001145 - 212th Glasgow Boys' Brigade Company . It is governed by its own constitution and responsibly managed by a Board of Trustees, who are appointed and re-appointed at the annual general meeting of officers and leaders. The current board was approved at a meeting on 8 August 2023, with the following trustees in role: Linda Ritchie, Gregor Steele, Graham Harvey, Kirsten Rodger and Rev. John MacGregor.
Our charity's aims are aligned to The Boys Brigade's Constitution & Object: The Advancement of Christ's Kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect and all that tends towards a true Christian Manliness.
We didn't always operate in Bishopbriggs; we've only been here since 1970 when we were 'reformed' at Cadder Parish Church.
The 212th was originally enrolled on 11 October 1924 at Kelvinhaugh Parish Church, Yorkhill Street, Glasgow and it operated there until 1959-60 when it ceased activities, and a short time after that the church, where the 212th met, was demolished.
The 212th number/name was then reallocated to the BB company started at Cadder Parish Church in early 1970, after it had successfully held five trial meetings, then registered at Glasgow Battalion HQ on 26 March 1970. The first to commence activities was Juniors, followed by Company in August 1970 and Anchors (then Shipmates) the following year. In 1971, the Company held their first summer camp at Anstruther and a regular activity since (ex. 2020/21 due to Covid restrictions). For around 30 years Summer Camp was a canvas based camps, but more recently are UK residential centre based. On two occasions the 212th has ventured further afield to France (1996) and Spain (2015).
Since its establishment in Bishopbriggs, the 212th has been led by five captains:
1970-1984: William Carmichael | 1984-1992: Stephen Mitchell |
1992-1998: James Muir | 1998-2012: Gregor Steele |
2012-date: Linda Ritchie
Our Past
We've got wheels!
We're fortunate to own our own minibus - a Ford Transit 17 seater (driver+16 passengers), which is used to help deliver and expand our programme of activities to members - camps, trips & excursions, attending competitions, DofE expeditions, to name a few. And our trailer helps for transporting luggage for residential events.
If you're a 'not for profit' organisation and meet our driving requirements, then you may be able to use our minibus to fulfil or enhance your own activities. We have a growing list of users - BBs, GBs, Guild, Church Groups, Scripture Union, etc. And thanks to support from East Dunbartonshire Council's Community Fund we maintain and service the minibus to a high standard, ensuring the safety of all who use/travel in it and keep user rates to an affordable level, starting from £50 per day.
NB: Due to its registration date/age, the minibus is not ULEZ compliant and users would be liable for the daily fee/fines (£60 per day for Glasgow) if the minibus is driven in a ULEZ area.
For enquiries and to check minibus availability, click the contact button below.
The Boys' Brigade is a global organisation and family.
Twinning/partnership arrangements with another Company across the globe is encouraged by The Global Fellowship.
This can have some brilliant benefits: a better understanding of the worldwide BB family; an insight into the lives of young people in other parts of the world; and an opportunity to learn from each other.
The 212th has a twinning/partnership relationship with the 106th Accra Company in Ghana, led by Captain Vincent Nyumutsu.
You can keep update with what's happening at the 106th via their facebook page at
Our Global Partners

Join us at the 212th
Volunteers required at the 212th.
If you can help out, then get in touch