212th Glasgow Boys' Brigade

The best Boys' Brigade in Bishopbriggs

Welcome to the 212th


We're now enjoying our summer recess following the conclusion of Session 2023/24. We'll be back after the school summer holidays, with enrolment dates TBC.

Have a good summer break.

CAMP 2024

A great weekend had by all attending, in part helped by some favourable weather (again).

You can check out photos from the weekend by clicking on the following link:



Anchors had a great time during their trip to Blairdrummond Safari Park.

Pictures from which can be viewed by clicking on the following link:



Our online shop is live on this website - see page link in header. Pre-loved and new uniform items, 212th merchandise - all available for purchase.


Congratulations to our Predictor Competition winners: Tymon (Anchors); Ben (Juniors); Zak (Company/Seniors) and Linda (Leaders). Prizes at enrolment for new session. Well done to all participants.


Our awards night took place on Monday 10 June, with boys being presented with their section programme badges, in addition to the Company awards being presented. Pictures from the event can be viewed by clicking the following link:


Group stage winners were: Mason (Anchors); Ben (Juniors); John (Company/Seniors) and Linda (Leaders).


Though we're in recess until after the school summer holidays, our leaders have been busy preparing our new storage facility at the South Halls. The need for a new store room was driven in part by the planned and recent removal of the stage in the main hall and to find a location for our equipment stored under it - sports and DofE equipment. Following discussions with the church, they agreed to provide us use of the Kelvin room, directly opposite the main hall. This new store room gives us the ability to amalgamate and store all our equipment/resources into the one location, and in turn provide all sections with that ready and easier access to it, which will help with programme delivery & development.

Yet to be fully completed, we hope to have all equipment transferred in by the start of the new session.

Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Success

At our annual awards night, one of the awards we presented was a Duke of Edinburgh Award (a Bronze to John McIntosh). As advised then, more DofE awards were in the process of approval, and we were delighted that these were signed off at as complete at end of last month, with the badges and certificates delivered shortly thereafter to senior boys, Lewis Byrne (Bronze) and Arran Byrne (Silver).

The DofE award is a progressive scheme with each level requiring an increasing level of focus, time commitment and development from participants across 4 key components - expedition, physical, skill and volunteering.

Well done to all our recent DofE award recipients.

For Boys in P1-P3

At the 212th

For Boys in P4-P6
For Boys in P7-S2
For Boys in S3-S6

Interested in joining the 212th?